As we continue to seek God’s direction and plans for our lives we covet your prayers at every step. In addition to the preparations for our move to our final destination in Honduras, the trip with our belongings by bus, and our transition to another culture once we arrive, we also ask for your prayers for Margo and her family as they suffer the loss of her grandmother, Phyllis Adler. Phyllis passed away August 13th at the age of 91. She will be missed not only by her family, but also by the staff and the friends she made at the assisted care living facility in Fort Wayne. Many were blessed the past few years by her sweet and tender spirit while she lived there.
Another loss we are working through right now with countless others is that of our friend, Ben Lindle, who passed away last week (July 6th) at the age of 24. Nelson still remembers having Ben in his 3rd to 5th grade Pioneer Club class. When we first went to Honduras in 2003 to look into the ministry opportunity at Hospital Loma de Luz, we were amazed that someone “passing through” and visiting the hospital after spending time at an orphanage in Guatemala had also heard of the infamous “Big Ben” ! The only thing bigger than Ben was his heart for others...
The picture above is of his inner city latino kids choir that came to perform at Community Church of Greenwood in a
double decker bus almost 2 years ago.
The picture to the right is of the Lindle family at our going away party last year. Ben is on the right.